Ivf and hormones

Hi all,

Hope you can help.

I am 38 years old and currently doing IVF treatment and have a couple
of questions as this is completely new to me!
The first round of injections resulted in no (or too small) eggs.

The second round of injections was double the dose and resulted with 4
eggs (3 of which could then be fertilized into an embryo).

I was then pregnant (for the first week of pregnancy still taking
hormone suppositories) for 8 weeks before miscarried.

Now I also used embryos 2 and 3 and had negative pregnancy results each time.

I feel like hormone imbalances might be the reason for my fertility problem

Do any of you have some advise/info on how and also at which point the
doctors check hormone imbalances?

Many, many thanks for your kind help,
