Did your body image change?

I never really understood why parents tell their children in general that they are proud of them. I mean in my opinion you can only be proud of someone if that person really accomplished something that he had to work for. When I was in my last month of pregnancy I was wearing a size L while normally I was a size XS/S. In 8 months I gained 45 LBS (20 kilo). In the last 5 weeks of my pregnancy my skin burst open, which made big red and very itchy volcano stripes on my belly. At 41.3 weeks a gave birth to a beautiful baby girl (but gosh was she a chubby baby with her 9.5 pounds). A month after pregnancy I all ready lost 22 lbs, but then it stopped. I wasn't losing any weight any more and I ate normal (2 times 2 slices of bread, some fruit, dinner and desert). My belly was just a flabby tubby, as I call it, when I put my shirt in my pants the excessive skin was falling over, the scars on my belly looked awful and I F#@# hated my body.
You must know I tried to model before and I saw no future what so ever anymore in this business. I decided to take matters into my own hands and made a diet and workout plan. With dedication and hard work I will achieve my goals: ‘I will make my weakness my strength’. Rome wasn’t build in one day either.
A twenty-minute work out is part of my every day routine now; doing push ups, weights, leg exercise, butt exercise and several six-pack exercises . Now I eat 2 times one slice of bread, some fruit, big plate of dinner and desert. Desert can be something sweet. I drink some fruit juice, but mainly water flavored with a lemon or orange. In this last month I lost 4 centimeters around the belly area. At the moment I lost 40 LBS.
The pictures illustrate my story. It’s the revealing truth of what I look like with my ‘Warrior stripes’. For now I found acceptance and maybe someday I will be proud.
How do you guys experience your body image?
Sylvie(Ps. Nederlands is mijn eerste taal :p)You can find picture at my page: https://www.facebook.com/SylvieKModel
Ach ik vind mijn buik ook verschrikkelijk!
Maar ik ben sowieso groot 1.85 m en ben breed in mijn schouders... Ik Woog 88 kg toen ik zwanger werd... Mijn dochter Woog ruim 10 pond...
Tja het is nu een prachtmeid van 7 jaar dus goedgekomen!
Ik heb pcos dus het afvallen lukt echt bijna niet... Ik sport onwijs veel heb ik altijd al gedaan en nu heb ik het geaccepteerd... Ik ben bezig voor een tweede wonder en daarna zie ik wel verder... Ik was 40 kg aangekomen tijdens de zwangerschap en ooit ga ik terug komen op de 88 dan ben ik nog gelukkiger dan dat ik nu al ben met mijn mooie straie

Goodluck Sylvie